Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Journal Entry 5

Write a paragraph about Mrs Dubose. When writing, try to remember Atticus' words about getting into someone's skin. Try to understand Mrs Dubose, and why she behaves the way she does.

When introduced, Mrs. Dubose appears to be grumpy, selfish, and disrespectful to Jem, Scout and Atticus. She is shown as a very unwell lady and has quite a large addiction to morphine. The children didn’t understand why she would have said these awful things. Although she was a mean person to others, it wasn’t her fault, she had been struggling against the drug addiction and wasn’t always in the right state of mind. The courage it took from her was insurmountable but to others, this ‘courage’ seemed as selfish. Atticus wanted to teach the children to get to know her before you judge her, just as if you are walking in her skin.

Journal Entry 3

"You never really understand a person until you ... climb into his skin and walk around in it"(Atticus, p. 33)Write a response to the advice Atticus gives to Scout. You may write in any style. For example, your response could be a personal reflection, a creative piece, or a discussion of this idea.

Scout was wondering about school issues when Atticus gave some life changing advice which let Scout learn to fully understand someone before you judge them. This advice was so important because of the knowledge of Atticus and the relevance of his words. Another excellent thing about this advice is that it encourages Scout to think about each aspect of her life and consider a logical approach to her problems. This guidance would have been concrete-set in Scout’s mind and would have brought out the best in her throughout her everyday life.

Journal Entry 2

"Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom." (page 13)What are the "malevolent phantoms" of your childhood - the things which made you afraid?

Whatever my brother did I found it the most interesting thing on earth and I just had to copy him. I was two years old, and like all unwise toddlers, I believed everything that anyone said; especially my brother. Somehow he convinced me that it would be fun to test out the new hedge clippers, on me. I stuck out my hand and he cut open my right index finger which lead to seven stitches. Two years later he tried it again but I had grown wiser and started to run. Climbing up a tree, I ran for my life even though he only ended up cutting my toe. My dad still has those same hedge clippers hanging in the garage to remind me to always be careful with sharp objects.

Journal Entry 1

You are a black person living in Maycomb. write a journal entry when you hear that Tom Robinson has been arrested.

It’s bad enough with them always staring at you, but when you are individualised and accused of a crime you didn’t do just because of your colour, that’s just unfair. Its not only unfair to us but when our people are always being targeted, I always feel in danger and I am often fearing for my life. In a society like ours, where your social ranking is wholly dependant on your colour, I am strongly against the arrest of Tom Robinson for a crime he didn’t commit.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Journal Entry 4

"Atticus ain't ever whipped me since I can remember. I wanta keep it that way." (Jem, p. 62)

EITHER: Describe a time you got in trouble, and were ashamed.

OR: Write a reflection about what this quotation tells us about Jem's relationship with Atticus. Include other text references to support your ideas.

I was four years old and it was around Christmas time which left me quite happy and playful. Luckily for me, my birthday is twenty-two days before Christmas so I always had some presents before my brother. When we did something bad, or broke something, he would always be blamed for it, even though most of the time it was me. For some reason me and Alex were throwing Thomas the Tank Engine toys at each other which in hindsight was a bad idea. It was all fun until I threw a small train figurine straight at a $2000 glass statue which my mother loved. Alex did get the blame for it and I felt guilty ever since. I think my mum knew it was me but wanted to wait till I was just that little bit older to tell me. Several years later this did happen, I felt bad all that time but the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders.