Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Journal Entry 2

"Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom." (page 13)What are the "malevolent phantoms" of your childhood - the things which made you afraid?

Whatever my brother did I found it the most interesting thing on earth and I just had to copy him. I was two years old, and like all unwise toddlers, I believed everything that anyone said; especially my brother. Somehow he convinced me that it would be fun to test out the new hedge clippers, on me. I stuck out my hand and he cut open my right index finger which lead to seven stitches. Two years later he tried it again but I had grown wiser and started to run. Climbing up a tree, I ran for my life even though he only ended up cutting my toe. My dad still has those same hedge clippers hanging in the garage to remind me to always be careful with sharp objects.

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